Applications are invited from eligible candidates, preferably from the residents of Imphal West District for the relevant disciplines for engagement on a contract basis at Watershed cum Data Centre (WCDC) and Project Implementing Agency(PIA) level under Imphal West District as detailed given below.
Name of Post: Technical Expert (WCDC level)
No of Posts: 1 (Unreserved)
Salary: Rs.25,000/-
Eligibility Criteria: Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture/ Agri Engineer/ Horticulture/ Hydrology/Soil Engineering/ Forestry and at least 3 years of field/research experience in watershed management and related field.

Name of Post: Accountant (WCDC level)
No of Posts: 1 (Unreserved)
Salary: Rs.15,000/-
Eligibility Criteria: Graduate in Commerce with 3 years of experience in project implementation.
Name of Post: Watershed Development Team (WDT) (PIA level)
No of Posts: 3 (Unreserved)
Salary: Rs.15,000/-
Eligibility Criteria: Graduate in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Forestry/Vety & AH/Environment Science/Sociology/ Rural Development/ Social Work with at least 3 years of working experience in the related field Data Entry Operator (DEO)
Name of Post: Data Entry Operator (DEO) (WCDC level)
No of Posts: 1 (Unreserved)
Salary: Rs.13,000/-
Eligibility Criteria: BCA or Graduate with Diploma in Computer with 3 years of experience in Project implementation
Age: As on 31.01.2024, the Candidate must have attained the age of 18 (eighteen) years and must not have attained the age of 38 (thirty-eight) years (Relaxable as per Govt. norms). Relaxable for staff engaged in IWMP 1.0 in Manipur by number of years in service from eligible age criteria.
Examination Scheme:-
Subject(Question from Graduate level):
General Intelligence and Reasoning(25 question, 25 Marks)
General Knowledge(25 question, 25 Marks)
Quantitative Aptitude(25 question, 25 Marks)
English Language(25 question, 25 Marks)
Duration of Exam: 2 hours.
Application forms will be available from the Office of the DRDA, Imphal West, DC Bungalow Office, Babupara, Imphal during office hours from 03/03/2024 to 12/03/2024 or may be downloaded from the District website
Duly filled in application form along with self-attested documents shall be submitted to the Office of the DRDA, Imphal West, DC Bungalow Office, Babupara, Imphal on or before 05:00 PM of 13″ March, 2024 (Wednesday).
Applications received will be screened for eligibility. Applications of those candidates who are eligible and furnished complete documents will be issued Admit Card.
The engagement will be initially for a period of one year only w.e.f. the date of joining and extendable based on the performance, subject to administrative approval till the end of the project period.
Any canvassing by any candidate or anyone on his/her behalf will lead to automatic disqualification.
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