Xpert Group of Institutions Malom Tuliyaima, Imphal West is inviting application from eligible and intending candidates to various post vacancies.
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Vacancies Details
Name of the post: Principal
No. of post: 1
Qualification: M.Sc + B.Ed. + (15-20) years of academic experience (50-60 years)
Salary: 25k to 50k per month
Name of the post: English Teacher
No. of post: 2
Qualification: M.A. + B.Ed
Salary: 13k to 18k per month
Name of the post: MIL Teacher
No. of post: 2
Qualification: M.A. + B.Ed
Salary: 13k to 18k per month
Name of the post: Physics Teacher
No. of post: 2
Qualification: M.Sc + B.Ed
Salary: 13k to 18k per month
Name of the post: Chemistry Teacher
No. of post: 2
Qualification: M.Sc + B.Ed
Salary: 13k to 18k per month
Name of the post: Biology Teacher
No. of post: 2
Qualification: M.Sc + B.Ed
Salary: 13k to 18k per month
Name of the post: Maths Teacher
No. of post: 2
Qualification: M.Sc + B.Ed
Salary: 13k to 18k per month

Application Details
The above following post are lying vacant and interested candidates may submit their relevant documents on or before 27th May, 2024 at the school office hour 9am to 2pm. For more details:
Contact no: 9366253775/ 9366930317/ 8974406838
Location: Malom Tuliyaima, Imphal West
Date of Interview: 30th May, 2024
Time of Interview: 11am
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