Applications are Invited from eligible candidates through sponsorship by their respective Employment Exchanges in the State for the various categories of posts in the Land Resources Department, Government of Manipur on contractual basis.
SL No. | Name of Post | No. of posts |
1 | Computer Operator | 4 |
2 | Stenographer Grade-III | 5 |
3 | Mandol | 40 |
4 | Lower Division Clerk (LDC) | 246 |
5 | Driver (Light) | 20 |
6 | Lambu | 100 |
7 | Process Server | 70 |
8 | Peon/Chowkidar/Sweeper | 96 |
9 | Chainman | 10 |
Total | 591 |
Note: Refer the official notification for details of Post reserved for Differently Abled Persons (DAP), UR, SC/ST, OBC, etc.
Willing and eligible candidates should get their names sponsored by the concerned Employment Exchange Office on or before 1st March, 2024 to the Office of the Land Resources Department. Thereafter, the candidate shall fill up the application online along with the necessary documents as per schedule.
Eligibility Conditions:
Computer operator | Qualification: Graduate in Science/Engineering/One year Post Graduate Diploma/Certificate in Computer Application from a University/Govt. of India recognized Institute. Age limit: 35 years & below as on 01.02.2024. |
Stenographer Grade-Ill | Qualification: Matriculate or its equivalent of a recognized University /Board with speed of below 80 words per minute in shorthand (English) and speed not less than 30 words per minute in typing English. Age limit: 30 years & below as on 01.02.2024. |
Mandol | Qualification: Graduate of a recognized University with knowledge of Manipuri and knowledge of Hindi as desirable. Age Limit: 35 years & below as on 01.02.2024. |
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) | Qualification: Graduates who have completed a Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) IDOS + MS Office + Multimedia + Internet of a Central/State recognized Institute. Age Limit: Minimum 18 years, Maximum 38 years as on 01.02 2024. |
Driver (light) | Qualification: Class-X pass/Matriculate/HSLC/equivalent from a recognized Board/Institution. Age Limit: Minimum 21 year and maximum 38 years as on 01.02.2024. |
Lambu | Qualification: : Class-X pass/HSLC/equivalent from recognized Board/ Institution. Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 38 years as on 01.02.2024. |
Process Server | Qualification: Class-X pass/HSLC/equivalent from recognized Board/ Institution. Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 38 years as on 01.02.2024. |
Peon/Chowkidar/ Sweeper | Qualification: Class-X pass/HSLC/ equivalent from recognized Board/ Institution. Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 38 years as on 01.02.2024. |
Chainman | Qualification: Class-X pass/HSLC/equivalent from recognized Board/ Institution. Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 38 years as on 01.02.2024. |
Age Limit Relaxation: Upper age limit for SC/ST, OBC and Govt. servants are relaxable as per the Government Rules.
Date of issue of form online: 01.03.2024
Last date of online submission of form: 23.03.2024
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