Applications (online) are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the following Group A posts in the Manipur University
Vacancy Details
Name of the post: Controller of Examinations
No. of posts: 1
To be filled by the following category: Unreserved
Salary: Rs. 144200-218200/-
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix: Level-14
Essential Qualifications:
i) Master’ s Degree with a least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed.
ii) At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor in the Academic Level 11 and above or with 8 years of service in the Academic Level 12 and above including as Associate Professor
along with experience in educational administration
Comparable experience in research establishment and/or other Institutions of higher education,
15 years of administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or an equivalent post.
Age Limit: Preferably below 57 years
Name of the post: Principal Manipur Institute of Technology (MIT)
No. of posts: 1
To be filled by the following category: Unreserved
Salary: Rs. 144200-218200/-
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix: Level-14
Essential Qualifications:
i) Ph. D. Degree and First Class is equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant branch.
ii) At least two successful Ph.D. guided as supervisor/Co-Supervisor and minimum 8 research publications in SCI journals/UGC/AICTE approved list of journals.
iii) Minimum 15 years of experience in teaching/research/industry, out of which at least 3 years shall be at the post equivalent to that of Professor.
- This position shall be of contractual in nature for 5 years and can be
extended for one more term depending upon the performance. - Performance assessment shall be carried out through a committee
appointed be the affiliating university - After completing the final term, the incumbent shall join back his/her
parent organisation in the previous designation from where he/she has
proceeded with the designation as Professor/Senior Professor as the
case may be.
Name of the post: Internal Audit Officer (on deputation)
No. of posts: 1
To be filled by the following category: Unreserved
Salary: Rs. 78800-209200/-
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix: Level-12
Essential Qualifications:
Deputation: By drawing officers belonging to Audit and Accounts Services or other similar organised Accounts Services in Central/State Govt., holding analogous posts on regular basis.
With there years regular service in Level 11 or equivalent in the area of Audit and Accounts in any Govt. Department/Autonomous Bodies.
With five years regular service in Level 10 or equivalent in the area of Audit and Accounts in any Govt. Department/Autonomous Bodies.
Age Limit: 56 years.
Name of the post: Systems Engineer
No. of posts: 1
To be filled by the following category: Unreserved
Salary: Rs. 78800-209200/-
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix: Level-12
Essential Qualifications:
B.E./B.Tech in Compute Science & Engineering/Electronics Engineering/M.Sc. Computer Science/MCA with 07 years of experience.
M.E./M.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering/Electronics Engineering with 05 years of experience.
Experience: Experience should be at appropriate level industry/ University level Computer Centre in the areas of Servers configuration, storage systems, backup systems, Linux/Unix Software Engineering, Design and Validation, Databases, Computer Networks from a recognized Public/PUS/Private organization.
Age: 50 years
Name of the post: Administrative Officer (MIT)
No. of posts: 1
To be filled by the following category: Unreserved
Salary: Rs. 56100-177500/-
Pay Level in the Pay Matrix: Level-10
Essential Qualifications:
- Master’s Degree with at least 55 % of the marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed.
- The appointment under direct recruitment shall be made through an All India open competition by conducting a written test and interview.
Age limit: 40 years

Application Details
Application form has to be made online only from the University website and then downloaded hard copy of the application along with the required documents and proof of fee has to be submitted to: The Registrar, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal -795003. The ‘Name of the Post Applying For’ must be clearly mentioned on the envelope containing the application. Those in service should apply through proper channel. have to be paid online.
Application fee of Rs. 1000/- for UR & OBC candidates and Rs. 400/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates
- Candidate who is already in service shall submit his application through proper channel along
with vigilance clearance certificate from the competent authority. However, he may send an
advance copy of his application and in case his application is not forwarded due to whatever reasons
till the time of written test or interview as the case may be, he/she, should produce a “No Objection
Certificate along with the Vigilance Clearance Certificate in a sealed cover” from the employer. - The application for appointment on deputation shall be forwarded by the employer along with
the Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs)/ACR for the preceding five years and
Vigilance Clearance Certificate, duly certified by the Competent Authority. - It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to ascertain his/her own eligibility for the post for
which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualifications, experience, etc., and
submit his application duly filled-in, along with the desired information and documents as per the
advertisement. Suppression of factual information, supply of fake documents, providing false or
misleading information or canvassing in any manner on the part of the candidates shall lead to his
disqualification. In case, it is detected at any point of time in future, even after appointment, that the
candidate was not eligible, his appointment shall be liable to termination forthwith as per this
clause. This must be mentioned in the letter of Offer and appointment clearly. - Acceptance of documents submitted by an applicant shall be subject to verification by the
competent authority at any point of time even after joining the employment. If any document is
found to be false/fake/incorrect either before or after appointment, the document shall be summarily
rejected or action may be initiated against the candidate which shall lead to cancellation of his
appointment, as the case may be. - The person appointed against any post shall be governed by the Act/Statutes/Ordinances/Rules of
the University and also the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, CCS (CCA) Rule,1965 or any other rules
of the Government of India, as amended from time to time and any other rule/resolution prescribed
specifically for maintaining the conduct of the employees by the Executive Council of the
University. - The appointment of a candidate shall be subject to verification of character and antecedents by
the competent authority. Until the verification of character and antecedents reports are received, the
appointment shall be treated as provisional. In case the report/s with regard to his conduct,
character, antecedents, etc., is found to be unsatisfactory, the appointment shall be
cancelled/terminated forth with. - Canvassing in any form on behalf of any candidate shall be treated as a disqualification which
shall lead to cancellation of candidature. - In pursuance of the Letter No. 19-50/2015-Desk-U, dated 22.12.2015, of the M.H.R.D (Now
MoE), there shall be no interview for appointment to the Group ‘C’ and ‘B’ posts. Accordingly, no
interview shall be held for appointment to the Group ‘C’ and Group ‘B’ posts. - The selected candidate shall produce a medical fitness certificate issued by a Govt. Hospital/or
Govt./CGHS empanelled Hospital duly countersigned by the concerned civil surgeon or the
Medical Superintendent/Director of the concerned hospital for Group B and C post and certificate
from the Medical Board issued by a Govt. Hospital/or Govt./CGHS empanelled Hospital for Group
A post as the case may be prior to his joining. - The terms and conditions of appointment shall be communicated to the candidate in the form of
‘Offer of Appointment’ to the selected candidates. If the candidate does not accept the terms and
conditions mentioned in the offer of appointment within the stipulated time, the offer shall be
treated as withdrawn. - The selected candidates shall be required to perform duties as per the Rules of the University, as
amended from time to time. The University shall be free to assign any duty as per the exigency of
the situation at any time even during non-working hours/holidays which the employee shall have to
perform without fail to avoid any disciplinary action. - The minimum educational qualification and experience, constitution of Selection Committee,
prescribed quota, method of recruitment or any other eligibility criteria, etc. for direct recruitment
or promotion/under career progression scheme, wherever applicable on the posts of Registrar,
Finance Officer, Controller of Examinations, Librarian, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar,
Assistant Librarian, etc. and equivalent posts shall be governed strictly as per the UGC’s
guidelines/regulations. Any amendment to the Notification/ Regulations/Guidelines of the
UGC/Government of India in future shall be adopted mutatis-mutandis by the University for
Implementation in supersession of the existing provisions already adopted and incorporated in these
Rules. - At the time of recruitment, a ‘Service Agreement’ shall be executed between the University and
the employee concerned and a copy of the same shall be kept with the Registrar. Such service
agreement shall be duly stamped as per the rates applicable. - The candidate shall bring all original certificates relating to his age, qualifications, experience,
etc. at the time of tests or Interview wherever applicable. In case the candidate fails to submit the
original documents for verification of the certified photocopies of the enclosures to his application,
he may not be allowed to appear at the tests/interview and his candidature may be treated as
cancelled without any further communication in this regard.
(i) The details of the vacancies shall be indicated in the advertisement. The University may also
include the details with regard to anticipated vacancies arising due to retirement of
employee(s) of, that particular year or any case of voluntary retirement or resignation for
which the employee has served notice prior to the issue of advertisement shall be included in
the instant advertisement. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill up the posts
advertised for any reasons whatsoever. However, the number of posts filled up shall not
exceed the number of posts advertised including anticipated vacancies.
(ii) The University may draw a reserved panel to fill up a post. In case a candidate on higher
merit regrets to join within a period of six months or resigns/dies after joining, within a period
of one year, the offer shall be made to the next candidate in the merit list, (if otherwise in
order), to reduce the delay in filling up of the vacancies. Such a vacancy should not be treated
as fresh vacancy.
(Reference: DoPT OM No.41010/18/97-Estt(B) dated 13th June, 2000)
(iii) The University reserves the right to withdraw an advertisement, either partly or wholly, at
any time without assigning any reason.
(iv) If any advertisement for any post is withdrawn by the University, the application fee
collected from the candidates shall be refunded within a reasonable period of time.
(v) In case of any ambiguity pertaining to the eligibility criteria for any post, the decision of the
Executive Council shall be final.
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